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With Section Interview

With Section on tour

We are always stoked to see what With Section are doing. Whether building their own spots or visiting old ones we haven’t seen for a while, it’s good to live vicariously through their travels. With the premiere of their new video coming up tomorrow night we thought we would run a few questions past Jakub Grochla by way of an introduction for those of you unacquainted with their work…

When and how did With Section come about?

Probably like 3 years ago. I guess nothing different from just a group of friends that all skated and lived around same area.

Whose idea was it and did it begin as an idea for a company or evolve into that from being a crew?

I never sat down and was like yeah I’m gonna make as skate company or anything. It all just kinda happened naturally. The logo was initially designed for a school project I was doing and my friend Dom somehow seen it in my sketchbook one time, got hyped on it and said I should do some stickers or whatever. Then we made a little night edit ROADTAPE and it kind of started from there. I still don’t look at it as a skate company or a brand. I make some stuff now and then for the crew and whoever wants to rep but I put more focus on documenting the shit we get up to.

Jakub Grochla – Ollie. Photo – Curtis O’Dell

Who appears in the video?

This video has more people in than the previous ones. Before we were strictly like squad shit but I guess we became a bit more social lol. If someone shreds Ill just take out the camera and start filming. I dont care if theyre super good at skating or not. I just like seeing people get some and spill for skating.
You gonna see a lot off lowkey rippers like Sebastian Tabe, Husky, Daniel Kreitem, Jake Church, Curtis O’dell.

How long did you film for before editing?

Well at the start the idea was to have like 3 different edits and then I thought maybe just make one solid video. So id probably say it goes over like 2 years of footy but I mean most of it was filmed last year.

Did you go on many trips?

Ye we did few little trips around England. Just checking out DIY spots and skateparks. Crashing on people’s floors, partying and carrying on going. The heavy one was Poland over the summer. The entire thing was like a never ending party. For some dumb reason we decided it’d be sick to go to Woodstock first before skating. It’s some free festival in Poland near the German border where the entire scum from Europe gets together. I’m not much of a music festival guy but this 1 is gnarly. So we lost our minds there for like 4 days straight then carried on hitting the road and skating. You know how it is on trips like that with the perfect squad. Everyone just wilding out trying to be gnarlier than the other. Jake and Curtis lost their passports. Well Jake lost everything part from his board. We ended up in Warsaw with some mafia guys pulling out a gun on us and kicking me in my nuts outside the hostel where we were staying the last few days because I cracked the wrong dude in the face. The guy from reception cut his whole hand trying to close the door to stop them dudes running up to the hostel. I thought I’d have to wear a wig next day leaving the place so these dudes don’t clock me. It was a good trip.

With Section keeping the fire burning

What companies and videos have influenced what you guys are doing?

We support real skateboarding and the companies that been around for time and proved what they stand for. I don’t like the idea of any guy starting up their own skateboard company or some dead hardware just for the sake of it.
Them man need to stop saturating the market with their shit that will last 2 years and support the companies that matter and showed you the way. So when it comes to videos and companies Id say any antihero video will get us fired up. Ourlife vid, house vid. Old consolidated videos and good old 90’s East Coast skating. Zoo York Mixtape. First few Palace edits are good too.

What can we expect to see from With Section in the coming months?

So we’ve been doing this skatepark campaign for a park in Crystal Palace for about 2 years now. So if everything sticks to plan now they gonna start building it round end of summer. Our DIY spot got shut down so we lurking for another one. Making some new clothes after ‘So What’ drops. Maybe go on some trips this summer and just keeping the fire burning.

Make sure you attend the pemiere of ‘So What’ tomorrow night at the Macbeth…

More information about the premiere can be found HERE. You can watch their previous video TwentyFourteen HERE. With Section items will soon be available from Slam City Skates and we will keep you posted when they arrive.

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